The Daring Wife of a

The Daring Wife of a

classification: Science fiction
update: 5分鐘前

When I think about it, I know such a life wouldn't be easy.,The eldest sister smiled, from the time she passed through to now, it had already been over two months. At first, she didn't dare to show herself for fear of being bullied by Gong's mother and daughter.,Luckily, being in her position as a stepmother, she didn't dare to go too far. Otherwise, if things escalated, it would be bad for everyone involved. 。Currently, all we can do is keep them in check. Otherwise, these two siblings would have a really hard time. 。After finishing all the chores, Youjie got up and left. 。As for the unwashed clothes piled beside her, she pretended not to see them. She had to leave some chores for the two of them to do, otherwise, they would get used to having everything done for them and wouldn't even bother with housework later on. They would only be willing to work hard if they had to start early and finish late. 。Moreover, Father is now furious, but he's also watching with his own eyes what's being done. If he really wants to pursue this, I'm afraid the ones who won't get a good ending are Gong and her mother. 。。

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