Rebirth as a Court A

Rebirth as a Court A

author: <Don't belie
classification: Science fiction
update: 14分鐘前

Those who lived an unfulfilling or stifled life in their past, if they were fortunate enough to transmigrate, with the foresight of future events, what bargains wouldn't they seize Of course, they would take advantage of every opportunity, getting whatever wind and rain they desired. They would aim for wealth and status above all else. 。...to be both wealthy and noble, it's almost enough to make one envious. 。Like me, born at such an unfortunate time, I am still nothing at the age of forty. I am a lowly commoner who barely survives by doing odd jobs for others. My heart truly yearns for the chance to travel through time! 。,Seeing me eat with gusto, my grandma was delighted, her eyes crinkled with a smile. 。"My little Jun is such a good boy…"Grandma, my dearest grandma, I never dreamed there would be a day when we'd meet again. 。This is great. 。Not to mention how difficult this journey of crossing over and rebirth might be, being able to reunite with my grandparents for another twenty years is a gift from heaven. 。I must cherish and hold onto this happiness that came so hard. 。I finished eating the baked sweet potato in large bites, put on my backpack, and said goodbye to my grandparents with a reluctant heart before leaving home. 。My hometown is in the Baizhou area of N Province in the south, specifically at Hongqi Commune's Liujia Mountain Brigade in Xiang County. It's a remote and mountainous hilly region. 。The Liujiashan detachment, just hearing the name you know it's not some place producing oil and grease. 。Passing through that high, blue stone threshold, I took a deep breath, steadying my racing heart and taking stock of my surroundings. 。My past life, spent in this ordinary farmhouse courtyard made of half-brick and half-adobe, lasted for a full seven years. 。The memories of that year run deep in my bones, I'll never forget them. 。As soon as I stepped out of the house, a cool mountain breeze hit me in the face. 。My grandma only gave me one thin cotton dress. It seems like the season must be around early August in the lunar calendar, which is early September in the Gregorian calendar. This means it was just shortly after the start of elementary school. 。Liujia Shan Elementary School, as the only elementary school in the entire brigade, is about two li east of the school. 。Although I am only seven years old and short, this short journey is not difficult for me. 。,Walking on the bumpy rural path, I felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation.。

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