Empress Xie

Empress Xie

classification: Science fiction
update: 11分鐘前

At that time, the last level emperor was personally selected, and he only saw the emperor's dragon robe.,I'm not very good at cooking myself, but I've read a lot of food blogs and recipes. Thanks to my vast knowledge, I get along with the kitchen staff and can occasionally get what I want to eat. 。Just like the snacks in the house now, they don't have things like osmanthus, sesame oil, lard, or sugar inside. They taste crispy on the outside and refreshing on the inside, truly not greasy at all. 。How about having some steamed vegetables for lunch Steamed vegetables are warm and comforting, just a few drops of chili oil and a drizzle of garlic sauce will make them irresistible. I bet you'd finish two bowls! 。,Liu Cairen thought that Yingxiang Pavilion was too deserted and remote, so he found a way to ask someone to change his residence. Only Xie Ning remained here. 。Originally, there was talk about more people moving in, but after a year and a half, no one has moved in yet. 。Xie Ning actually thought this was good, peaceful 。When Liu Cairen was still around, Xie Ning was actually a little afraid. 。Because Liu Cai Ren's eyes were like sharp knives, constantly staring at people or things. Xie Ning felt uneasy, unsure what she was thinking. They stayed silent together, afraid of saying or doing something wrong that would be caught by her. 。。

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